Aug 10, 2492, 9:05 PM By Jean Baptiste Van Helmont| Orbital News Network
Recent posts on with the hashtag, gtt, have shown pictures of the latest product from the Biotech corporation, A new line of replicants, 2.0.
Not much yet is known of new features, though CEO Dr. Ophelia Faith has posted that there will be 'more customization' and 'genetic variation'.
ONN reached out to Dr. Faith for more details:
//Vid begins: Ophelia Faith, chemstick between lips, shades up.
"What don't you get? genetic variation, genetic diversity! maybe it's not your fault, maybe your family never experienced that. Many lines of traditional replicants have some variation, hair color, skin color, in more extreme cases, heightened muscle mass or enhanced senses. But essentially their genetic template is based on a particular strain, sometimes based off the original creator, at least the narcissistic ones, just modified for the desired traits. Rep2.0 does not. The genetic template is a blank slate. Not only does this allow for easier editing of the sDNA, but better adaptability, resilience to disease, you can essentially make the replicant however you need. And with new genetic templates, the options are numerous. One of my biotechs is even researching known historical figures to base an educational line off of. " She blinks, "What? reproduce? of course they can't! don't be disgusting."
//Vid ends
So there you have it from the CEO, GTT Rep2.0, will it be the next big thing since replicants came on the scene years ago, or will it be a total flop like Start-tec's 'My Elven Bioroid Waifu' line? We will see when the first models are released.
This has been Jean Baptiste Van Helmont, with ONN News.