Freeform Mode, as the name implies, provides you complete freedom of RP. It relies entirely on creative liberties for the benefit of a scene, or a storyline in general.
Other than respecting post order (Which can be dropped at the suggestion of the people involved in a scene), the suggestion for a good outcome on Freeform scenes, specifically involving combat, is constant and open communication with the players involved.

Always keep lines of communication open, and make sure everyone involved in the scene/fight is on the same page.
Always look for a resolution that will benefit a story as a whole, instead of solely benefiting one character.
Use Freeform Mode Combat as means to build up a bigger, or multiple storylines. Sometimes shocking defeats/victories can set the tone for a long term storyline.
Please note that In all instances, IC combat needs to be preceded by some role-play for implicit consent anywhere on the Cocoon Sim, or otherwise some OOC consent should be given.

In Meter Mode, combat is performed in a faster and more dynamic way.
A Meter weapon within the Dark Future sim is required to do any damage in this mode. As mentioned before, Dice weapons and stats have no effect in this mode. Meter is purely player-skill based.
Always keep on the move. If you stand in one spot for too long you'll become an easy target. Remember that your opponents are also always on the move and always looking for new vantage points from which to shoot you.
Use Cover. The Dark Future Meter weapons can detect physics. The usage of walls, drums, benches, and any other physical object around as means to shield you from impacts can preserve your life.
Keep an eye on your numbers. If your health is low, try to find a safe place to recover.
Crouch if there's no cover. Oncoming damage will be shielded with your EN until it drops to 0.
It's a common rule to allow the Defender to choose the Combat Mode. This can be ignored if the players agreed beforehand that they will engage in Meter Combat.
In special events, Storytellers may give special instructions, such as signaling a temporary cease-fire.
Combat in Dice Mode is meant to be played from a tactical approach.
Please note that weapons worn on your avatar DO NOT have any effects in Dice Combat.

Unlike Meter, players must initiate PVP Status on their titler before they can attack one another. Clicking >roll and then COMBAT rolls for initiative.
You can exit PVP Status by clicking >roll and then BASIC or >dice to switch Modes. Toggling >ic and >ooc work too.
In Dice PVP, EN acts as action points. For example, each step you take will cost you 10 points, whereas each skill you use will have their own cost to EN listed in the roll menu.
Clicking a skill in the menu will roll 1d100 + your selected Attribute and Skill points together.
Below are breakdowns of how dicerolls announce in nearby chat:
50+10 Focus = 60
[ 50 Dieroll + 10 INTELLECT + 0 Focus = 60 Skill Check ]
90+120 Melee = 210
[ 90 Dieroll + 60 SECURITY + 60 Melee = 210 Skill Check ]
By default, most skills will list targets for you to select. If your target is another player, the system will automatically cause them to roll a defensive skill to contest.
If you use an offensive skill on your opponent in a winning roll, then damage will apply.
You can also perform a dice-roll without a target by long-clicking a skill in the roll menu. This is useful for doing skill checks outside of combat during scenes.

Starting out, your strongest skill will roll at 190 at most. Keep in mind that equipping the right starter gear in every slot could easily increase your roll up to 320 within your first day.
Remember that you can also upgrade your skills and attributes at shops around the sim. Cocoon Station is the best place to begin for this.
100 - 199
200 - 299
300 - 399
Intro posts from all involving parties.
Roll COMBAT to initiate.
Player with higher Initiation can move, attack or roll other skills until they run out of EN to use.
Player types a post of their actions as determined by their rolls and movement.
Player >ends their turn, which replenishes their EN back to 100.
The opponent starts their turn, following the same steps above. Their post can include a reaction to the player's actions as well as the outcome of their own.
Combat ends when a player's HP reaches 0 and they are knocked out. In this scenario, both the victor and defeated are allowed one post to close the interaction.
Remember that it is up to the opponent to determine their character's death by consent.
Please note that 1v1v1 combat is also supported in the Interlink System and handles in the same combat flow as shown above. The burden is left to the players consenting in playing such a scenario, especially if it exceeds to more than three players.
Intro posts from all the involved parties.
Team Leaders roll COMBAT to initiate.
The turn structure is left like this:
A. Team Leader with higher roll
B. Team Leader with lower roll
C. Team Member with higher roll
D. Team Member with lower roll
Team Lead A with higher roll does the regular operations that they would under a regular combat [Movement, skill rolls, post] and finish with clicking >end
Team Lead A with higher roll does the regular operations that they would under a regular combat [Movement, skill rolls, post] and finish with clicking >end
Team Member B with higher roll does the regular operations that they would under a regular combat [Movement, skill rolls, post] and finish with clicking >end
Team Member B with higher roll does the regular operations that they would under a regular combat [Movement, skill rolls, post] and finish with clicking >end
In this combat style, it's important to include reactions towards the actions of team members as well as rivals, for the purposes of complementing the posts with the actions taken with the rolls.
Please note that 1v3 is the maximum allowed ratio in PVP combat.
One of the important aspects that Interlink features, is the importance of Support type characters.
Its important to keep character races in mind when healing in Dice mode, as skills such as Medical only work on Organic races, while Repair does on Cybernetic.
Medical heals and revives Humans, Mutants, Replicants
Repair heals and revives Cybernetic Synths and Cyborgs
Please remember a character's race does not display publicly. It is up to you to discover that in RP.
When it comes to Meter mode, the >heal button will heal anyone within 4 meters range regardless of race.
Please note that healing and reviving can be done with any player, regardless if they are in Dice or Meter mode.
By system function, players automatically resurrect with 20 HP after two minutes of being knocked-out. However, during PVP it is important to keep the following in mind:
Storyteller may not allow revival during their events. Remember to keep communication open with this.
Players need to determine how many revivals are allowed during combat. Otherwise, the standard rule is one revive per side.
A Knocked-out character cannot re-engage in combat until someone uses Medical / Repair on them and posts their revival in RP.
The revived player will need to roll Initiation once again to determine their turn placement.
Various areas in the Dark Future allows you to craft drugs that you can use during PVP. Drugs come as one-time use objects in your Second Life inventory that you can attach for healing properties and buffs.
Each drug comes at a cost of EN to use as well as some negative effects if abused.
Aside from drugs, food buffs can also be purchases throughout the sim with in-game credits. These buffs only apply at their given food stalls or vendors.
Upon initiating PVP Status, buffs are removed to provide fairness between both parties starting combat. Because of this, food buffs are more-so useful for PVE, scripted NPCs, quests and Storyteller events upon request.