Earth Setting
Setting • Section One • Cult of Dreaming God • Exiled Nations • Chimera • Legends
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Earth is the ancestral, abandoned, broken home to humanity. Before the Transcendence War, Earth's last census counted 25 billion people. When the Transcendence War came, billions lost their lives, a few million managed to flee to the stars, and the rest remained on the dying planet where many more met their fate. But just as history has shown us time and time again, humanity always finds a way.
There was a period of about seventy years when Earth was being continuously bombed, and humanity's numbers dangerously decreased, but at the same time, this period changed the face of the Earth permanently. Most of the water reserves were gone, and of what was left, most was irradiated. In some regions the air itself became toxic. Communications broke down, and the last pockets of humanity's survivors became isolated from one another.
Corporations, for a time, were focused solely on establishing their power, and they needed to sell the Big Myth: Earth was too far gone to even look at it, there was nothing alive, and the radiation would stay on high levels for centuries. With the myth successfully sold, the consolidation of power to what now is known as New Geneva was a success, and Earth remained ignored.
In the meantime, life on Earth was forever changed, and as radiation levels began to decrease, the descendants of the survivors of the Transcendence War began to emerge once again, looking to build a life for themselves. It had been seventy years and the attacks had stopped, for the most part, most of these communities didn't even know there had been a large number of "humanity's finest" who had survived the War and made their lives elsewhere. For all they knew, the world had come to an end, and by some freak miracle, they were given a second chance. With most of their past erased and consumed by the War, humanity started anew, with some similarities and some differences.
Earth is a world that survived Armageddon and is still in the process of building itself up. The tectonic shift, as well as the change in the topography due to the War, has given us a completely different world than the one we know.
For instance, on all the planet, the default radiation levels are higher than what is to be considered the standard. Nothing that could kill immediately, but would require treatment for long exposure, especially to those who aren't Earthborn. However, with the advancement in the field of medicine, this becomes a nuisance at best, unless one is stranded on Earth without means of leaving or having access to treatment for extended periods.
Rain is a rare occurrence, but when it happens, it's mostly smooth, dust, and the fallout that falls to Earth. Some communities have developed resistance to certain levels of radiation and gather what is called "Dirtwater" for general use this way. Radiation Storms are a regular occurrence, pockets of high radiation meet currents of hot and cold air, and the results are intense climatic conditions that require people to take cover. Even Earthborn either take refuge in well-stocked shelters or have access to reinforced radiation suits to try and weather the storms and while there are different intensities of radiation storms, most don't last more than thirty minutes. In some regions, especially those in the desert, a climactic irregularity simply known as "Ashfalls" also takes place. While there's no general knowledge on how these Ashfalls take place, what is known however is that these tend to severely disrupt electronics, almost as if the Ashfalls were a continuous surge of EMPs.
As Earth's face changes, there is no longer any identification of borders or nations. The naming of different regions is usually given by Earthborn Explorers in an attempt to map Earth, and with long-range communications between communities not being possible, it takes time for information to be shared.
Some regions (Such as what was once known as Romania) are considered dead due to the unrelenting weather conditions and the massive amount of Chimera roaming the region, as well as dangerously dwindling numbers of Earthborn. Climate conditions have also wildly changed on Earth, with some areas (Such as the Mojave Desert) reaching about 60 degrees Celsius (About 140 degrees Fahrenheit) on average, while other regions (Such as the Antarctic Frozen Wastes) reaching -150 degrees Celsius (About -238 degrees Fahrenheit).
Levels on different water bodies (Such as oceans) have receded extraordinarily, and have given birth to vast uninhabited areas of Earth such as the Salt Ocean. It is possible to traverse such areas, but the lack of water, food, and refuge for hundreds of kilometers make areas like the Salt Ocean a death wish, there are also rumors of gigantic Chimera underground in such areas.
There are certain regions, like the Amazonia Wildlands, and the Salem Witchwoods that have been described as swamps, and in the specific case of the Amazonia Wildlands, rumors persist that rain that's not polluted or radioactive is somewhat common, although these rumors have not been proven. While swamps have been confirmed, they are mostly formed by Dirtwater, and in some extreme cases, some of these swamps have polluted water reservoirs turning them into highly toxic waste dumps.
A great deal of the land is arid, and agriculture is extremely challenging (When it's possible), and due to the present radiation in the air, whatever produce some communities manage to come out with is mutated. While the radiation levels of food grown on Earth is low, consuming it for a long time can bring about adverse effects, in which case treatment will be required. The same can be said about the consumption of Dirtwater. There are rumors about underground water reservoirs throughout the planet, but most of those are unconfirmed, a few communities may have actual access to natural water, which makes it a very valuable resource for trading.
It should be noted that even if the water levels on Earth have receded, or if most conditions for clean rain are exceedingly rare, it is entirely possible to find reservoirs of clean water, such as underground springs, or different water sources, although this would be left up to discover during events or storylines.
The existence of corporate Earth Sites throughout the planet continues to be a relatively profitable enterprise for different corporations. These Earth Sites are equipped with long-range communications that keep them in contact with Space Stations, Colonies, and Floating Cities. Most if not all of these Earth sites have very strict access control, and residence in these areas is very limited.
Most of the residents of Earth Sites are workers for different corporations, as they gather resources from Earth or send scavenging groups for materials to send to Floating Cities and Space Stations. Earth Sites have little to no care for Earthborn, which creates hostile situations, they also send security missions to deal with Chimera and Transcendence War-era Mechs in the area, disrupting the areas around it. They are also the main contributor to the ongoing pollution of the areas they can reach.
Most Earthborn can be categorized into two groups: Tribals, and Settlers.
Tribals, as the name indicates, have a tribal mentality. They live in communities that are more in touch with Mother Earth (Or Mother Gaia as some tribes refer to the planet), compared to Settlers, they have regressed culturally, and technologically, as most of them haven't even been exposed to cybernetics or advanced medicine. Tribals can be territorial, and most of them are semi-nomadic, often moving from one territory to another every six months.
Settlers as Earthborn have found ruins of ancient communities and have joined forces to salvage entire buildings and create their communities. They are more adept at technology, at least as much as Earth can allow, and they settle for their community, trying to establish communication and trade routes with similar communities.
The relationship between Tribals and Settlers is usually good with a few marked exceptions. Sometimes, Tribals are known to eventually become part of the settlement, and Settlers sometimes decide to change their lives by joining a Tribe, their relationship with Earth Sites, however, is usually a negative one, as Earth Sites just "tolerate" them being around, and Earthborn see Earth Sites as invaders, leeches, and parasites.
Earth, in short, is a dangerous world. Earthborn will always look at an outsider with distrust, and sometimes even contempt, although it is entirely possible to earn their trust. Chimera exist in every region of Earth and depending on the region they are found in, they can be somewhat harmless, to extremely dangerous. Centuries after the end of the Transcendence War, some of Earth's Secrets are finally emerging. Some can be embarrassing, some can be disgusting, and some can explain the reasons for our current life. It's just a matter of exploring and asking yourself if you truly want to have all the answers.

Section One
For the longest time, and for those who have paid attention, the main reason behind The Transcendence War was a series of conflicts between both the United Nations and the Coalition of Progressive Nations. For years, both organisms had a series of disagreements, and a Cold War-like approach to one another, until everything changed, and the full automation of Earth's most powerful weapons led to The Transcendence War, the event that marked the Sol System and reshaped the fate of humanity forever. In the end, remnants of both the United Nations and the Coalition of Progressive Nations survived, fled to the stars, and ended up becoming New Geneva. Leaving history and Earth behind.
But history always has a way of revealing the truth, even if centuries have passed. Special Projects Division: Section One, or simply Section One for short, is a nebulous organization that has been documented before and during the Transcendence War, and that rumors declare as not only still existing to this day but being completely functional.
Having worked in the shadows, as a black operations organization, Section One worked discretely on human experimentation, the development of questionable technology, and more importantly, ways to sabotage both the United Nations and the Coalition of Progressive Nations. When it became apparent that both organizations could reach dialog and arrange for a ceasefire, Section One intervened. When a flaw in the Artificial Intelligence that ruled the most powerful weapons systems in the world, that could cause the Artificial Intelligence to become self-aware was discovered, Section One blocked any attempts of communication so the weapons systems would be activated as planned.
What is Section One about?
Section One recruited surviving elements of both the UN and the CPN, and had a plan all along to ensure its survival and the development of confidential technology. Section One has several different underground facilities all over Earth, some abandoned, but most active in one capacity or another, and there's evidence that parallel to current, publicly available technology, Section One has developed Artificial Intelligence, Cryogenics, and may be directly linked to the Blackwall, as well as the creation of the Engramatic Technology that some corporations use to this day.
Although still a rumor, many organizations have reasons to believe that Section One survived, thrived, and overcame difficulties brought upon by the Transcendence War and that for a long time now, has put plans in motion to infiltrate high-profile organizations and corporations. There is evidence that suggests they even had a hand in the Home One colonization mission to Mars before the Transcendence War.
In short, Section One is all about high-level espionage, black operations, and infiltration.

The Cult of The Dreaming God
The Cult of the Dreaming God is meant to be strange, nebulous, confusing, and contradictory. It wouldn't make sense to anyone outside the Cult. Its origins are also nigh incomprehensible, some clues may be found that point at the Cult being born the moment the Transcendence War started (As a revelation to a selected few who were to start building the Cult by recruiting survivors of the Transcendence War), but they may also point out as some Rogue elements in both the United Nations and the Coalition of Progressive Nations that opposed the path leading them to War but who were ultimately small voices that weren't heard, but there are also many more scenarios at play such as the Cult being far more widespread than initially thought, with the Cult not only surviving on Earth despite everything that has been happening since the War but also expanding and thriving through influence on different groups, clues to the Cult may be found on both Tribes and Earth Sites alike, hinting at one of the very rare instances in which elements of the corporate world, as well as Earthborn, may share a common trait.
The Cult is mysterious, there are no known names linked to it, and for the most part? Most of what can be found about it will be through personal logs or data entries that may be found in random locations.
What is the Cult about?
The Dreaming God is referenced as an extremely powerful entity, hinted at being the real reason for the Transcendence War, by claiming that he awoke temporarily and his awakening brought upon the destruction of Earth. Those who were worthy of surviving would then be tasked with the responsibility of building a community of like-minded individuals to appease the Dreaming God and spare them from another inevitable calamity that is fast approaching, there are many entries about events that are happening, but from the Cult's perspective.
"And the times where the Red of the blood and rusty shall cover a forbidden world will be here, the tide of blood and flame will drown the undeserving and the usurpers alike, leaving the forbidden world with chaos that will eventually birth a new form of order"
"The stars themselves will rise up and rebel against those who presume to own them, condemning them to fall victim to their own greed and lust. Brother will fight sister, father will fight mother, and the cycle will continue until the time where the Awakening comes"
"The true face of Death will be revealed hidden behind a Wall. No dreaming, no hoping, no resurrection, and no retribution. Only darkness, only screams, only blood. The Wall shall break down when the Awakening comes"
"And the true Devils will find a way to break out from the Wall, looking for bodies to possess and enact their will. Dark deities controlling the Children of Man for their own amusement, forcing blood against blood"
"Lives once shattered and destroyed will rise again, stricken with hunger and disease, with their minds clouded by instinct. They will rise against the living guided by a Dark Prophet aiming to destroy the light of the False Light"
"And the Betrayal will come, and the Children of Man will deny it. Observe it consume everything and everyone they will, until the Betrayal comes for them, and they will cry for help and be met with the silence of a thousand deaths"
While their alignment is unclear, what is clear is that they are a monotheistic Cult, devoted to the Dreaming God, the implication is that the Prophets in this Cult get their visions and prophecies through the Dreaming, an intimate link with the Dreaming God, and act according to what they interpret to be the Dreaming God's will, and therefore, defining their course of action based on these designs.
Who or What is the Dreaming God?
The short and simple answer is: No one knows.
The more complex answer is, well, complex.
The Dreaming God is a mysterious entity, there may be altars, shrines, and places of worship, but there's no official "emblem" linked to him. Different locations across Earth may have different emblems to interpret who or what they are. There is no imagery of the Dreaming God, and if there are any "Sacred Texts" they are very well hidden (The implication being that only the Prophets, AKA the highest-ranking members of the Cult, would have these texts, and they are the most elusive members of the Cult). There are plenty of references (If found) linking the Dreaming God to troubling topics, such as the Transcendence War (Depending on interpretation, he could have caused the War and instructed the survivors to create the Cult, or, having the War started, he's responsible for sparing his followers), to Chimera (especially the highly modified ones, and those with speaking and/or psychic capabilities), to the Blackwall and AI in general, and Mars. It appears to be a conscious entity despite what his name may suggest, therefore, the Dreaming God appears to be aware of current events and current situations which he then conveys to his Prophets through the Dreaming.

The Exiled Nations
A story as old as time itself: Communities are formed, alliances are forged, but there will be those who won't conform to those rules and end up walking away from it all, or worse yet, some will be cast out and banished from their own homes, and their own families. Under normal circumstances, that's the beginning and the end of the story, but sometimes, all Exiled come together, carve their path, and become something far more fearsome. The enemy, the nemesis. These are The Exiled Nations.
The Exiled Nations are a massive, nomadic, violent organization. They are formed from individuals that left or were banished from different organizations, including corporations, tribes, and communities. They have joined forces, knowledge, and skills to become their own Nation. Moving across the world on massive convoys, they are no farmers, or settlers, they are angry outcasts out for blood, and out for water and food.
In other words, The Exiled Nations can be considered raiders, but unlike normal raiders, the people on The Exiled Nations are considered to be extremely tough, extremely resilient, and incredibly intelligent as they know the roads of Earth better than anyone else. As every settlement and tribe on Earth can speak about The Exiled Nations, it is more than implied that they are a massive organization with different Warlords on different regions of the planet, and even more dangerous than anything else, they practice slavery, oftentimes destroying entire settlements and tribes, and taking survivors as slaves.
A player may elect to have The Exiled Nations as part of their backstory, which can make the player tolerated by The Exiled Nations, otherwise, they are hostile towards anyone and everyone. It is also worth noting that The Exiled Nations only operate on Earth and they don't leave the planet as they realize they would be wanted criminals elsewhere.
What are The Exiled Nations about?
In short, survival and nonconformity. Most of the Exiled are angry over their banishment, and they are playing the hand they were given. They aren't able to live off the land, so they rely on raiding and scavenging. As some of their members are former corps, they have access to high-grade weapons and gear, as well as cybernetics and supplies, which gives them an edge over Settlers and Tribals.
Who leads The Exiled Nations?
The Exiled Nations are several groups as they are spread throughout Earth, each group has a Warlord, but above it all, there is an Overlord, who is said to have started and founded the Exiled Nations, his name may be mentioned in conversation and only in reverence or fear, Overlord Khore confers with every Warlord once a year on an arranged location to discuss the state of affairs of The Exiled Nations.

Earth is a unique world, in the way that it has gone through a process that should have annihilated every single life form residing on it, but not only was life preserved, but it also adapted, and evolved. Sometimes in gruesome ways.
For starters, Earthborn have had their DNA altered through the centuries so much that they can no longer be considered human. Every man or woman born on Earth (Except for Corporate Earth Sites) has at least one major mutation on them: Different skin textures, different skin colors, animalistic features, multiple eyes protruding bones, et cetera. However, these mutations far from being advantageous, oftentimes represent a major disadvantage, for example, mutants with extreme eye coloration can have their eyesight reduced or completely gone. Different skin textures may make the mutant far more sensitive to higher temperatures and a warmer climate, protruding bones are extremely brittle, et cetera. In addition to that, usually, the lifespan of an Earthborn is significantly shorter compared to that of a standard human, or a designer mutant. Earthborn also have a higher rate of ARS (Augmentation Rejection Syndrome) which makes a large portion of their population ineligible for any kind of augmentation (In some cases, even biotech augmentations may be rejected), they are also more prone to develop cancers, and blood-related diseases, and develop immunity to certain drugs and medicines.
Among the Earthborn, there's an unfortunate sector known as "The Burned Ones".
The Burned Ones, as their name may imply, are unfortunate souls that were exposed to high levels of radiation, and as a result, are suffering and in permanent pain. They resemble scarred burnt victims, and some of the Burned Ones may still have residual radiation within them which makes them a danger to shelter. While many Burned Ones may put bandages on their bodies for pain relief, and hide their visage from others, others either refuse or can't afford to put bandages on. Burned Ones are also commonly shunned from most settlements and tribes, and in extreme cases, they may be hunted down and killed due to their visage.
Despite these massive setbacks, a very low number of Burned Ones have become accepted in some settlements and have a chance to start a new life, or at least, end their life with some dignity and become useful to a community. As mentioned before, The Burned Ones are in constant and permanent pain and are self-conscious about their appearance, which makes them impatient, angry, and sometimes hostile if they think they are being mocked. The Burned Ones have an extremely reduced life expectancy upon becoming burned (About 5 to 10 years more of life), and some rumors nearing the end, some Burned Ones may lose their mind and act purely on killing intent with little regard to friend or foe.
In the wastes of the old world, there is a good number of chimera, most of them created through cruel and brutal experiments at the time of the Transcendence War that was left unsupervised, and willed themselves to survive. Even amongst chimera, these special kinds of threats stand in a category of their own. Although fortunately, and in most cases, it appears that there's a very reduced number of these mythical beings.
Chimera Categories
Chimera have been placed into different categories depending on their size, hostility, and sight frequency:
Category C
They may be seen at any time of the day and any season, will not be hostile unless they are approached or engaged, and have large numbers.
Category B
They may be seen at a specific time of day, or specific season, they may engage in close proximity, and they have medium to low numbers.
Category A
It's unclear when or how they can be seen, which leads people to believe that these Chimera may not even be real, and are meant to be extremely and permanently hostile. It can be inferred that their numbers are extraordinarily low.
Unique Chimera
The following are chimera that sit in their own category, given that there haven't been enough successful encounters to determine any category to which each may belong. If any of these Chimera are encountered, it's recommended to keep distance at all costs and not engage, as their combat prowess and aggression haven't been measured. But if they are to be engaged, it should be as a last resort and aim to ensure survival and verify the destruction of the Chimera.
The Homonculi
At one point, there were alternate attempts to create a human without a cloned base. For millennia, humanity dreamed of playing god and creating life as they knew it. At one point before the Transcendence War and after hundreds, maybe even thousands of failures, they had created a fully alive, fully functional Homunculus. As more were created, the effects of the War reached the facility where these beings were being made and breached. The Homunculi escaped and were exposed to the horrors of Judgment Day, but instead of dying, just like any life form on the planet, they adapted, their molecular structure being unstable, they became a mass of flesh that would start to absorb nearby lifeforms and evolve. Today, there are rumors of the Homunculi, a malformed mass of flesh and limbs that is known for tearing apart other chimera, and hunting unaware explorers.
The Mandragon
Another failed project that aimed to harness the biological ability of regeneration from some reptiles, the Mandragon is a result of a human baseline infused with reptilian DNA, plus exposure to the elements after the Transcendence War reached its peak. Centuries of evolution, as well as radiation, have defined the Mandragon as a massive two-legged draconian horror. Although it's unclear how many of these monsters roam the wastes, there is at least one tribe that will tell stories of its size, its ferocity, and the ease this beast has to tear most Transcendence War-era mechs asunder. The advantage of being against such a creature is that its size and weight make it extremely hard for it to be unheard of, however, some explorers claim that it has unnatural speed, and cloaking capabilities not different from the now-extinct chameleon.
The Seer
For a world that is hostile to anyone unprepared, and is filled with some of the most fearsome chimera, The Seer, if real, is a complete exception to the rule. Resembling a malformed adolescent covered in rags, it appears to have scars, burn marks, and boils all over its body. Facial malformations would have covered its left eye, and it can only walk with the support of a rod. What makes The Seer stand out, however, is the rumors about its 'abilities, as some Tribals claim that it can see into your essence and kill you from the inside out. While it's unclear what this means exactly, some Settlers have encountered a being that has a similar description, and they describe acute headaches and nosebleeds when in proximity to The Seer, which makes people believe this chimera has some sort of psychic abilities. Fortunately, sightings of The Seer have been exceedingly rare, and its origin is also a mystery.
The Walker
The Walker is a mythical figure amongst both Tribals and Settlers. A wise man of sorts, he is credited with instilling the idea of governing through unity, resulting in councils formed by leaders of both Settlers and Tribals on most of the planet. And while not all areas have adopted his teachings, those that have, now have a better chance of extended survival. The Walker also appears in tales and stories from both Tribals and Settlers for different teachings: Adapting agriculture to both settlements and tribes, medicine and the technology settlements have, as well as hunting techniques the Tribals use to this day. If gathering enough information about The Walker, one will see there are some impossibilities with this figure, for instance, the timeline of his teachings and appearance spans almost two hundred years, as well as the almost certain impossibility that an Earthborn has traveled the entire globe, looking for people to teach and communities to help. The more one looks into the story of The Walker, one may come to the closest hint to a possible origin of The Walker: An extremely old black jacket worshiped in a Tribe somewhere in the Amazonia Wildlands with a nametag on its breast reading "Captain Walker". The Walker may be a name that has been passed down to different generations of wise men who have aimed to help others to survive.
Wyatt Jones
Retired gunslinger and gun for hire, and Mayor to Salvation, Wyatt Jones has a calm demeanor now that he is pushing sixty. He resides at Salvation, a large settlement with over 3,000 inhabitants in the Mojave Desert, between regular Settlers, some Tribals, and some Burned Ones too, and is open to trade with nearby communities. He has taken to train those who want to become Scouts, Explorers, and Couriers, as Wyatt is quite the survivalist himself and knows the area like no one else. However, and like many other stories on Earth, Wyatt Jones has a very dark side, as he was born in a Section One facility on Earth, and trained to be an assassin and infiltrator. With plenty of missions under his belt, plenty of years of experience, and several identities achieved, Wyatt started to second guess Section One's reasons and orders. Wyatt's last mission saw him travel to Corporate Earth Site M-45 in the attempt to infiltrate it, and through it, infiltrate the corporation that runs it. However, he arrived at a time when tensions between the Earth Site and a settlement nearby were high, and one of his first assignments was to reach that settlement and assassinate its Mayor. Things didn't go well, and the entire settlement was wiped out, what's worse, a reactor malfunction on M-45 destroyed the Earth Site and turned it into a smoldering radioactive crater.
Realizing that Section One would think him dead, and after seeing the entire settlement destroyed by his hand, Wyatt decided then and there to attempt to turn a new leaf and abandon his mission to Section One. Finding a surviving infant in the house of the Mayor he had killed, he adopted the child and named her Elianora, Ellie for short. Eventually, he found a settlement named Salvation, smirking at the coincidence, he decided to settle there and give his adopted daughter the life he didn't have. While Wyatt Jones may not be his real name, for the past sixteen years, it has been to him, his friends, and his family.
The Mandragon
Another failed project that aimed to harness the biological ability of regeneration from some reptiles, the Mandragon is a result of a human baseline infused with reptilian DNA, plus exposure to the elements after the Transcendence War reached its peak. Centuries of evolution, as well as radiation, have defined the Mandragon as a massive two-legged draconian horror. Although it's unclear how many of these monsters roam the wastes, there is at least one tribe that will tell stories of its size, its ferocity, and the ease this beast has to tear most Transcendence War-era mechs asunder. The advantage of being against such a creature is that its size and weight make it extremely hard for it to be unheard of, however, some explorers claim that it has unnatural speed, and cloaking capabilities not different from the now-extinct chameleon.
The Seer
For a world that is hostile to anyone unprepared, and is filled with some of the most fearsome chimera, The Seer, if real, is a complete exception to the rule. Resembling a malformed adolescent covered in rags, it appears to have scars, burn marks, and boils all over its body. Facial malformations would have covered its left eye, and it can only walk with the support of a rod. What makes The Seer stand out, however, is the rumors about its 'abilities, as some Tribals claim that it can see into your essence and kill you from the inside out. While it's unclear what this means exactly, some Settlers have encountered a being that has a similar description, and they describe acute headaches and nosebleeds when in proximity to The Seer, which makes people believe this chimera has some sort of psychic abilities. Fortunately, sightings of The Seer have been exceedingly rare, and its origin is also a mystery.