//Original Writer: Thee RippFadar// Definition: A replicant is an artificial human, created in a lab, based off specifications and grown with synthetic DNA. They are mass produced in factories, or custom made in a lab. Replicants have been created to be soldiers, security, entertainers, joy toys, models, athletes, or to supplement a corporation's workforce, among other things. History: Replicants were originally developed by Parasol Corporation (See: Parasol, currently dissolved), a defunct biogenics corporation, to compete with the synths and drones currently on the market. Early replicants were based on cloning techniques. Cloning has been popular in the medical and life insurance industries, but as clones are basically human, were not popular in the private or corporate market as a workforce. The development of SDNA, a synthetic substitute for regular DNA, brought the development of the first replicants. Early replicants were very robotic in their personalities, Imperfections in the DNA used to design the SDNA causing the first few generations to be albino. Genetectic, a large biotech and medical corporation founded in Cocoon, developed new innovations in their replicants, with the creation of a 'Genetic Template', essentially a blueprint and instructions for the SDNA to arrange it for a variety of hair and eye colors, body types, skeletal structure, and more. the template allowed the time required to create a replicant to be halved, as well as what was essentially a 'drag and drop' system of customization. Now replicants can have a multitude of hair, skin and eye colors, body types, musculature, vascular capacity, and more. GTT has since become one of the largest manufacturers of replicants in the solar system. Creation: Grown from synthetic DNA, SDNA they are less expensive than a clone, and more versatile. A replicant can be created based on pre-requisites of the client, depending on their purpose. The Synthetic DNA constructs are designed and manipulated using computer-aided design software. The designed SDNA is then divided into synthesizable pieces (synthons) up to 1–1.5 kbp. The synthons are then broken up into overlapping single-stranded oligonucleotide sequences and chemically synthesized along a genetic template. the genetic template arranges the synthons into the sequences for genetic expressions such as eye and hair color, skin color, facial and skeletal structure, blood type (Most Replicants produced by GTT are type O-), etc. With some custom jobs designed with thicker bones, increased lung capacity, for example The resultant constructs are then submerged in a chemonutrient solution and stimulated. Within a given time, the newly created replicant emerges from the solution, is cleaned up, Neural inhibitors implanted per NG regulations, as well as a neuralnet, and any required chip slots, and they are then put into a virtual imprinting unit, where they are imprinted with the skills and personality matrix they would need for their intended purpose. After this, the replicant is placed in stasis until delivery. Per NG regulations, all legal replicants created have a serial number assigned to them, usually composed of the manufacturer/maker, location of their 'birth' , a score assigned for physical and mental development of A to B, and a five digit identification number unique to the replicant. Mass produced models will often have it tattooed in a visible location, such as an arm. Commissioned models will have theirs behind an eyelid, under the tongue, or even tattooed on individual cells. Utilization: Most replicants are mass produced, such as the RNU Hiro line, utilized in many fast food stands, or the GTT Atlas line, utilised as security and bouncers, or the Ceres line of models utilized in many dollhouses and strip clubs. Independent clients can also order a custom replicant, usually higher ranking corporate execs looking for a specialized bodyguard, or 'companion'. Replicants can also be commissioned based on the client's body, or idealized body, for resleeving. In a collaboration with Heaven,the clients personality engram can be downloaded into the replicant, becoming a new body, much like clones, generally in the case of the client's death, though some opt for early resleeving due to Body dysmorphia, gender transitioning, terminal illness, for example. Current facts: While never fully replacing Synths and robotics in the market, Replicants have become popular with many in particular industries, as well as personal buyers in the upper class. GTT has even branched into creating some lines of replicants based on ancient household pets, such as cats, or dogs., though there is some question as to the accuracy of the genetic template based on an extinct animal, with no living sample available. Legality:Replicants are not legally considered human, and are subject to similar regulations as a synth. While replicated organs are treated much like 'natural' organs, all fully developed humanoid replicants must be registered, and have a visible registration number on their bodies, to an owner, whether an individual, or a corporation. Replicants must also have a neural inhibitor implant at the time of manufacture. This modifies the replicant's behaviors, preventing thoughts of hostility, or rebellion against their owners and humanity, and encouraging obedience. Some less scrupulous ripper docs have made a career of removing these implants in rogue replicants, if the replicant can pay their fees. Executives who have opted for resleeving have worked their way around this, by simply registering their new body to themselves. Often also paying more in the traditional bribes, or donations, to bypass the requirement for a neural inhibitor. //SolWiki Article last edited 05/31/2491 by Dr. Malfeance//
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