September 18th, 2492
By Philopater Bashir
Jadubai Jadeed Newsletter
Following an incident regarding suspected foul play, Nuskha Technologies (Formerly Nuskha for Biological Solutions) had delayed their keynote event showcasing their new line of security-field replicants. With the 17th of this month having been the projected date, I am here to provide you with all the details of the event and the corporation itself.
One day prior to the event, CEO and last survivor of the famed Anubis squadron formerly under the Najm al-Taj military, Ms. Layla Al-Haddad was last seen visiting the graves of Colonel Ali al-Umrani, her former commander and mentor, as well as her father's, the late Amir Al-Haddad, former CEO of the company she now oversees. When approached, no comment was given and our reporters were hurried away by her security.
On event day, however, designated 'face' of Nuskha Technologies and project overseer Qasim Al-Hussaini was happy to provide us with details on what had transpired:
"No, no. There was no foul play, simply a mistake on the transportation staff's behalf. Instead of cancelling, [we] took the opportunity to improve further on our product, [which is] ready for release very soon."
When asked about rumors regarding Nuskha-sponsored bounties over the NET, however, he dispelled them as competitors attempting to sully their honest name. Al-Hussaini, known to have been in the company's research team for decades and to have made strides in biological research in Jadubai, does not seem to have the patience for cover-ups, after all.
The event began by introducing the new TAYF series of replicants, featuring a live re-sleeving from Al-Hussaini himself to run the audience through every step of the replicant's functions. Boasting an array of in-built chips for warfare as well as the necessary augments for security work -- Namely, built-in arm blades and cannon mechanisms, it is no wonder that the Sheikh's guard themselves opted to purchase an unannounced number of units. With the announced 'veteran' discount, it is definitely a deal not to be missed!
UP NEXT: A look into the legendary Golden Bull, Ahmed Al-Dhahabi's exercise routine and dieting regiment! You will not believe what he eats for breakfast!
Written By: Philopater Bashir, Jadubai Jadeed News