Okay Chooms. I have a bit of news here that just might change the way you Lunites want to vote. This is a transcript taken from a LunaCom call that was intercepted and recorded. The timestamp puts it just before fragments from Jericho V were inbound for Luna. Check it out.
[ Luna UniCom fragment #1 File # 234555luc-vn-34563-552 ]
Editor's note. All names have been removed digitally before the records were expunged from the system. The names were unable to be retrieved.
///[ call begins ]///
///[ hello, this is ********. ]///
///[ *******, this is ******. ]///
///[ oh hey, good to hear from you, I was hoping for a call and soon. things are getting scary out there.]///
///[ i know. did you get a chance to talk to the governor?]///
///[ i did and he is scared shitless. we all are.]///
///[ i'm told that orbital defenses can't stop all the debris inbound. any truth to that? ]///
///[ off the record? yeah. but we are buttoning that up tight. we don't need fucking riots here.]///
///[ so i am assuming we have a plan in place? a contingency? ]///
///[ yeah arc has a redlist of priority individuals, mostly matsu corpos a, a few politicians and whoever is rich enough to get approved by either one. ]///
///[ we have to keep this quiet make sure that the flight departs unannounced or it will turn into an outright shitshow.]///
///[ agreed. we will have arcsec troopers there to enforce peace. and should something actually happen, nobody is going to pick through the bodies to see how they were killed. ]///
///[ that's pretty cold, isn't it? >///
///[ don't tell me you're suddenly getting soft. remember none of this gets out to anyone, or arc and matsu leave without taking anyone and we all get hung out to dry .]///
///[ no no no, just thinking that is a hell of a lot of cleaning up to do if nothing happens. ]///
///[ yeah well, that's what happens when you land in the wrong tax bracket. If there is a riot and it needs to be put down. whatever. people who act like that are not what we want on luna anyway...as for the rest, fuck, that's what we have pr for.]///
///[ gotcha.]///
///[ okay I have packing to do see you when we all get back. tell your family hi. ]///
//[ sure will. catch you later.]///
/// [ call terminated ]///
[End file]
So Lunites, is this the guy you want to have back in office, the sellout who was in bed with Arc Systems and Matsumoto, and who were going to save their necks, but had no issues with leaving you twisting in the wind? Or worse yet, gunned down while you were trying to save yourselves? Before you doubt the veracity of this excerpt, check the LunaCom timestamp and Comm reference number. Go ahead. It's real, chooms.
Keep this in your heads when you vote, Lunites, You don't matter. Not to Bancroft and his cronies.
Tengu 天狗