>>intercepting broadcast...
>>masking source...
>>executing cloak_proto_01...
Welcome to one more edition of The Transmission, and my friends, do I have a story to tell you. Some of the names you hear here will be familiar to you, but some of the deeds linked to these names may not be all too familiar, and as always, I tell you things as they are, what you make of them however, is entirely up to you.
Medical technology nowadays has advanced tremendously compared to what it was during the Transcendence War, compared to those days medical technology can perform miracles, even bring people back from the brink of death, fix or replace an entire body, or even create new lifeforms for different purposes. Putting morality aside, medical technology is responsible for lifeforms we know today as Replicants, as well as what corpos seem to define as "Exotic Mutants", all for the sake of cheap labor, or entertainment of all kinds. Of course, cloning took off as well, from skin grafts, to organs, to entire bodies. Biotech stopped being about replacing body parts, and it became a feasible way to outfit more natural, more expensive augmentations.
And of course, medical technology is not as simple as taking one part, and slapping it on someone and have it magically work, there are specialized individuals who are very knowledgeable in this science, and of course, corpos have taken the noble endeavor of creating institutions to train them and to keep them employed under a watchful corp eye. But what happens if a doctor's beliefs oppose the corp's hunger for profit? Like everyone else the corpos don't like, they end up being discarded, black balled, and thrown into the streets. This is how Ripperdocs come to be.
Ripperdocs as well as Street Doctors are focused on helping the sectors of the population corps don't really care about: The poor, the exiled, those who can't afford the expensive and fancy service packages corps offer. While Street Doctors focus on the organic element, Ripperdocs are known to focus on the cybernetic, although it's not uncommon to find one or the other being proficient on both elements. Some of these Ripperdocs and Street Doctors eventually become famous and the stuff of legend, like Cocoon's Station own Doc Adam, or Mega LA's own Doc Mackey, and even New Vegas's own Doc Blood, but sometimes, only sometimes, there comes a time in which someone and something unlikely gets into the board and plays the game on their own rules.
Genetectic, shorten to GTT, was founded in 2485 by Dr. Ophelia Faith, a relative newcomer to Cocoon Station at the time. Dr. Faith initially ran the Industrial District Medical Clinic, (though there are some rumors she had operated as a ripperdoc for local crime syndicates, in a hidden clinic
buried in the depths of the station sometime before this). The first GTT location was a cloning facility in the Industrial District on Sector One, occupied mostly with regrowing organs for transplant, and cloned bodies for "life insurance policies" common with executives at the time. In 2486, Genetectic became an early adopter of newly emerging Replicant
technology, developing new innovations to produce Replicants for half the cost, and with more versatility and customizability than older models, incorporating similar techniques utilized in cloning.
The Replicants produced by GTT were utilized for security firms, mercenary groups, adult entertainment companies, a limited line of animal-like pets, as well as custom orders by private clients.
While the cloning at death services are still active, "Re-sleeving" into a replicant body has proved popular with the corporate elite, as the out of shape and overweight, could be re-sleeved with the body of a greek god or goddess, (coincidentally also proving popular with those transitioning genders). Often loopholes are used so the client essentially owns the Replicant they are reborn as, bypassing much regulations the less influential could not. By the end of 2485, GTT had expanded to Medical services, in part due to the cloned transplant organs and blood it produced. GTT absorbed the Sector One Clinic, eventually moving the clinic into the cloning facility, and renovating into the GTT Medical Pavilion, and moving most
replicant and cloning production to other sites.
GTT has since grown, with numerous hospitals, clinics, biolabs, and replication factories throught the system. Dr. Faith faded from the public eye after 2488, rumors had her returning to renovate her ancestral home at Faith Manor, which had been abandoned in orbit near Europa for a century, or having died. GTT continued to grow however, expanding into medical insurance; A collaboration with King's Food Emporium in patenting new biofoods;
Trauma Team, combat trained first responders isting to give medical aid and transport to medical policy holders; Development of new medical equipment,medication, and procedures; and designer mutations, among other industries. Holding properties in the majority of sky cites and stations, and a small fleet of medical transport shuttles, air ambulances, and three medical frigates, or Hospital ships, one of them, the GTT Airmed, is in orbit around Mars, acting as TT dispatch for the red planet, while respecting the clans desire for independence by not building a facility on the Red Planet.
In 2491, During Black Tenet Crisis, Dr. Faith appeared back in the public eye, buying out Aegis Macrogenetics' Luna Branch Office Macrogenetics, and converting the building into biolabs and medical floors, with offices on the top floor. The Luna Building has become the new home office and headquarters of Genetectic.
As well as assisting with the cure for Black Tenet, GTT was also at the forefront of the Jericho V Disaster, with TraumaTeam on the front lines, and all GTT medical pavilions opening their doors to everyone effected. While also stopping the spread of the Ghostwalker plague.
GTT has also been creating new replicants at a rapid rate, many finding themselves in GTT's roster. As well as this, Trauma Team has been seen often on Earth, not answering an emergency, but apparently looking for something, or so the suspicions and rumors go. There are rumors that they wiped a settlement of mutants out for whatever they are looking for, as well as very strong rumors pointing out at associations with select Clans on Mars and gangs elsewhere.
In addition to this, it's rumored that Dr. Faith herself operated as a Ripperdoc for a number of years, back when she wasn't in the public eye nor was she so prominent, and while there's no official records or information about that time, a name keeps coming up... The Slab. Now friends, this is completely unconfirmed and just a product of my speculation but... What if The Slab is just a codename for a facility Dr. Faith used to operate from on her time as a Ripperdoc? It wouldn't be seen with good eyes by the corps to have a Ripperdoc taking business from them so openly, so The Slab could have been anything: A secret location, a repurposed ship, anything and everything. Food for thought.
And there you have it friends, a unique perspective at Genetectic as well as Ripperdocs and Street Doctors, definitely not the worse corp out there but one has to wonder, is it the best? After all, like every other corporation out there they are operating with profits in mind, but then again anyone could argue that without profits an operation of this magnitude couldn't be possible.
And with this friends, I leave you with what I hope is something else for you to learn, offering both sides of the coin as it were, so maybe Genetectic is not the worse there is, and maybe, most of the people working here have the most morality when it comes to their profession, and if that's the case, maybe there is hope for the Sol System yet. And before I go, I will leave you with today's musical selection, I hope it's of your liking as it's of mine, until next time, this has been Doc Mitnik and this has been The Transmission.
(("The Transmission" is meant to be seen as both an OOC archive of the lore, with a spin on interpretation, and it's also meant to be seen as an intermittent IC intrusion of PublicNET devices, it overall serves the purpose of counter to ONN/Corporate points of view and information, players are more than welcome to use or reference "The Transmission" on any way that may complement their stories.))