(Born 18.11.2445) Born Alice Delphine Winters, New Vegas. Parents Heath & Sharon Winters. Dr. Alice Winters is the host of the MGM produced Holonet show Asking Alice, and Director of Hospitals for Genetectic Corporation. She is also a well-published cyber-psychiatrist. Dr. Winters became especially famous during the spread of Black Tenet, providing information and updates directly from New Geneva, and spearheading the distribution of the vaccine and cure. [1]
Early life

Born in New Vegas in 2445 to Heath and Sharon Winters, both employed with a restaurant company that would later be acquired by MGM, Alice was a natural academic, succeeding in academic competitions from childhood. After Heath’s Kitchen’s first season, the chef famous for his blistering rants at his staff in his restaurants, he would bring his daughter up frequently, and she appears roughly twice a season.[2]
Education and Career
Accepted to the University of New Vegas in 2462 at 17, Alice excelled in her dual major program for Medical Engineering. She graduated Cum Laude with a total of 5 degrees: Cybernetic Engineering, BS & PhD; Medical Engineering, BS, Nanotechnology, MS, Doctor of Medicine - MD.
Started at ARES in 2471 in the Cybernetic Engineering department working with Swarm Intelligence based-nanites to speed and enhance decision making. Career accomplishments include the development of several psychiatric mitigation measures to treat and prevent cyber-psychosis and post-traumatic stress, as well as the commercially available Cradle and Cradle-Ex Cranial and cognitive augmentation systems.
Started at Alternative Technologies in 2489 as a cybernetics consultant and installer.
Started at Morpheus Group Management in 2490 as in-house medical staff, served as Corporate Delegate for MGM to New Geneva.

Started at Gentectic as Director of Hospitals in 2491. Dr. Winters currently holds this position and has led the development of Adaptigenic medical technologies to suppress outbreaks.
Philosophical and/or political views
Dr. Winters has come out in favor of universal equal rights for replicants, mutants and synthetics. She’s a strong advocate for the rights and protections of augmented and cybernetic people as well. She’s held voting board positions with RISE - the refugee relocation non-profit during the last Mars conflict, and on Cornucopia - the food bank on Cocoon station. She speaks out against the use of Self-Sustaining Onboard-AI’s, citing higher rates of cyber-psychotic incidence, and violation of the rights of the AI to exist independent of a human host.
She is the primary sponsor of the motion to order rapid payout for victims of the Jericho V disaster.
When voting on Policy at New Geneva, Dr. Winters has voted universally in line with the bloc of corporations called the "AC" as shorthand for "Altruistic Capitalism." Altruistic Capitalism is a series of ethical foundations revolving around the distribution of wealth as a responsibility, and the wealthy as humanity's stewards.
Total Net Worth
Dr. Winters reported a total personal net worth of 928.8 Billion CR to Solbank for taxation purposes in 2491, with

an Insured Value of 1.5 Trillion CR. Dr. Winters sits on the Board of Directors for Genetectic Corporation, and has additional investments in MGM, ARES, Matsumoto, New Geneva. She owns real estate on Cocoon Station, New Vegas, Jericho VII, and Bonne Bleu Agresort & Spa.
Published works
Sometime during her employment with ARES her specialty shifted to cyber-psychiatry and she has written numerous papers on the connections between emotion and memory, the risks of shared consciousness, treatment methodologies for cyber-psychosis and post-traumatic stress disorder.
"Embracing Your Humanity: Staying Connected to Yourself After Augmentation," was published in 2489 and made the New New York Best Sellers list for 8 weeks.
Honours, decorations, awards and distinctions
Asking Alice has receive 2 Hollies - Best Informative Series, Best Science based series, 2490.
New Geneva ann

ounced the “Alice Winters Award for Corporate Excellence,” during the Black Tenet infection. The award is given to corporate employees who go above and beyond in developing and implementing large-scale solutions.
She has made no secret of the extent of her augmentation and that it was performed by ARES. Heath’s Kitchen was suspended early in taping of it’s seventh season due to a “Family Emergency,” and it was reported that Dr. Winters had been injured in an industrial accident, and was undergoing life-saving augmentation surgery. The extent of those augmentations has been a driving force behind her advocacy for non-organic races.