By: Ge Hong

After Genetectic's data breach of last week, GTT has been doing what they can to allay fears of leaked patient info, and strengthen cybersecurity in the midst of an New Geneva audit.
Dr. Ophelia Faith, CEO of GTT, had released this statement.
"As CEO, these thefts occurred during my tenure, and I want to sincerely apologize to each and every one of our patients,” she told ONN. "This attack has been a serious breach of trust all around."
“Unfortunately, while all our measures helped Genetectic and NSI successfully defend against the attacks by decckers, They still had managed to intruded on our systems and stole our patient files.”
"even “robust” defenses are not enough to defend against all attacks..the fight with hackers can often be an “arms race.”
"These were highly complex and sophisticated attacks on GTT’s systems, A really aggressive pursuit of these deckers is needed to discourage future efforts. GTT is working closely with cybersec experts to determine the best ways to strengthen our security efforts, We are taking bids from security firms, and will make sure we meet all requirements of New Geneva's audit. This is the first time, and this will be the last time a breach such as this, will ever happen....ever. "
As previously stated, the breach only accessed partial directories, but that has been plenty to concern the medical and biotech giant. Access to the hospital network , as well as the labs in Luna have fallen under tighter restrictions. The release of Rep2.0, the latest GTT Replicant generation has been delayed. Though health and Trauma Team services have largely been uninterrupted.
-This has been Ge Hong, ONN News.