Je has learned that there are people in Cocoon who cannot sustain themselves solely through corporate employment and thus have to take something called a ‘hunt’; which, Je thought, pertained to hunting the last few exotic animals left alive on Earth for sport. It sounded like so much fun! So, Je asked mon poor, unemployed college dropout friend Ophi, “Where can Je find a hunt?” and he recommended that Je find interesting people who would give moi something to do. To which Je thought, “Hunting people? How sporting!”
And he said “Non, vous perform a favor in exchange for solcred.”
Je thought it was rather silly, as Je am not a joytoy; but, it would at least be entertaining. So, Je set out to find the richest, most interesting person in all the stations, and Je was pointed out towards Monsieur Askari of the Revenant Casino.
A synthetic by the name of Trey, who Je muse was named after the trays of drinks robots carry around the gambling hall, was kind enough to lead moi into the office of Monsieur Askari. Je can only describe the room as the perfect place to die, as it was entirely slabbed in black marble et dimly lit with fluorescent lighting. A most fitting crypte! Je really must make a note to copy the exact design for mon personal resting place un day.
In this room, Askari offered others (Ms. K/ K2, Tash, Joselynn, Trey, Marcia) and moi a handsome reward to hunt for a valuable data chip. (Apparently poor people have to keep sensitive data on easily lost chips instead of servers.) This chip was potentially in the hands of trois persons of interest: Igor Stepanov (a rough looking brute,) Kevin Baker (a rich fat chat,) and Cheri Alderman (a sweet but tragically naive woman.) The ladies would set their wiles upon Igor, (spoiler: they did not as well as moi.) Moi saw Cheri as a woman all too happy with herself despite the lack of a wedding ring. Je thought how lonely and how willing she must be to speak with a suave docteur such as moi! Thus, she was chosen as mon target.

Madame Alderman was quite deep in her cups when she was found. As loose as her swagger was, so too were her lips. She lamented unto moi the struggles Monsieur Baker faced this evening after he was assaulted and robbed of his wallet and data. The data! These brigands have it!
This robbery occurred within something called a bodega; which is really just a small room of vending machines, (where illiterate people can choose what to eat or drink simply by hitting a button with a picture of the thing they desire,) and loosely packaged pet food. Also, there is a talking chat.

As Marcia, Trey, and moi were keeping a lookout, mon accomplices discovered the identities and whereabouts of our new targets; visuals were swiped by Tash's hacking expertise, Joselynn and K2 interrogated the clerk for details. The thieves call themselves Red Dragons and take to a particular location favored by people known as ‘Harvesters’, (which Je assumes are beggars looking for handouts.)
After boarding a shuttle, (which is like a metal coffin crammed with people who look like too tired to die,) to the Starport we quickly found our marks. One of them stepped away to relieve himself, which gave Joselynn an opportunity to attack! The man was snatched, and in his surprise, immediately soiled his pantalons! What fun moi thought to see someone fully drench themselves in their own fluids. This was not quite the wetwork Je was expecting!

Things became sticky after Tash climbed upon mon shoulder, (that mad woman left a shoe print on mon Eliya K. suit!) and fired upon the Red Dragons. They immediately retreated into some filthy little hole and returned fire! They shot back at us! The very nerve! The audacity. Fortunately, none of mon party were wounded and there were non survivors among the other team. With the data chip secured, we delta’d from the flawless victory.
Payment received. Contract closed.