The chip sat on the edge of the tub, glowing faintly with it's own power source. The contents themselves scrolled through Alice's perception, each word, the tone, the gravity, the intention weighed carefully against her understanding of the people involved.
She sat in the water with her feelings, letting them just be there with her for a while. Not analyzing them, not studying, just existing in a shared space. The grief of betrayal didn't displace any of the water, but it created a suffocating pressure in her chest that made it an effort to breathe.

What would she do with this? Exactly what she had said she would do. How she handled that betrayal would be Future Alice's problem.
Eventually, she had sat with her feelings enough, she decided. And put in the call. The AI Assistant confirmed her identity, and a few minutes later she heard Dr. Branston's voice over the audio, "Alice? Our appointment isn't until Wednesday, did you need to reschedule?"
Alice shouldered into her robe after drying herself off, the chip dropped in her pocket. "I was hoping we could add an appointment? I've had a personal development I could use some help working through. The nature of it is a lot more emotionally charged than I can process around."
"Of course. Is this fine? I mean, video would be good to watch your body language and facial expressions. "
Alice stood in her closet, "I'm getting dressed at the moment, so I don't think video would be prudent, but I'll turn the camera on when I'm not naked. But this would be fine Doctor, if you have the time?"
His smile was audible, "Of course I do. Do you want to tell me what happened?"
"Yes and no?"