This is a place for players to post their character blogs. While these blogs are written IC (In Character), this is OOC information for the readers, not valid to be used during RP.
Also, please try to follow these guidelines when writing your blogs:
- Please avoid spamming the website, with excessively frequent blogs. Spamming hides blogs from other players, and it´s considered bad etiquette. Rule of thumb is, when your latest blog has disappeared from the "Latest Character Blogs" it might be time for a new blog. As an example, 3 blogs in 2 days would definitely be too often. Or if two or more of the latest five blogs in the list are yours, you might consider slowing down your posting frequency a little bit.
- Please try to stick to the theme, lore and setting. While some literary licenses like flashbacks, flash forwards, memories or reflections from other places not part of the lore (for instance, the character background story city of origin, etc) and other times are perfectly fine, it is recommended to focus on RP events that have actually happened as part of the theme, lore and setting in actual RP. Complementing the blogging on RP events with character reflections, thoughts, memories from a past life can really enhance the blog and make it more interesting and realistic. However, blogs not describing at all RP events happening within the theme, lore and setting , while possibly very interesting to read, should rather be posted somewhere else.